Weight loss mantra and Self control

Hello Friends!Image

   So today’s discussion is on weight loss, America’s number 1 obsession! One of the reasons why I feel like we as a culture are more likely to be obese then other cultures around the world is because we are an overly stimulated and instantly gratified culture. All we wanna do after a long day at work or out is to sit on our chairs, watch TV and eat and eventually fall asleep right on the couch. The economy and government does not help this either. Why should you cook your own meal when you can go down the street to the nearest fast food joint and get a combo for less then the actual cost of the groceries that it will cost to make the food. Not to mention going out of your way to make sure the food is organic or non-GMO. I mean who has the time for that? That’s the real problem… or question I guess, who has the time? The time to be healthy… the time to reward your body with healthy food that will keep it running!!! The fast food is not only making you fat but killing you!!!!

   I just want to stress to you the importance of eating correctly and intelligently. I will put more info on how to get on a better diet in a later lesson. In the mean time lets talk about ways to help us make better choices in foods and lose some weight!

   Aside from preparing and cooking the correct foods we must also learn the great lesson of self-control! I know that this is a challenge for me when it comes to food. I sometimes can’t resist that bite of something sweet or that extra bowl of rice… I am Asian after all! My worst habits are eating late at night i.e. midnight (In college we called it 5th meal) and falling asleep right after. So I have determine for me it’s about self control. It’s not like I don’t get enough to eat during regular meals… I just crave more. That is why I feel like a mantra would help me with my self-control and if you deal with these same demons the I hope it helps you too and we can fight together!

   First off what is a mantra? A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of “creating transformation”… I learned this from my past schooling in the buddhist teachings. So today I will create a mantra to help me with my self-control with eating.

Hmmm where to begin… lets see what other peoples Mantras are- http://caloriecount.about.com/forums/weight-loss/whats-weight-loss-mantra

1. Simple

2. Down to the point

3. Positive

“I love my body and I know that now is not the best time for food” or

“I do not need to nourish my body now”

“I am strong, I am stable, I am in control of my self”

oooo I like that one… the last one. See what you come up with… as you can see it’s trial and error. Share with me some of your mantras and I’ll put it up so we can help eachother and our other readers! Blessings!!!

-Love and Compassion for all! 

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