
Hello friends!

   So prayers, what are they? Witches don’t do that do they? We do spells with candles, incense, stones etc. and it works!… Doesn’t it? I remember reading in a book when I first started the craft ( I believe it was one of Silver Ravenwolf’s… ps don’t judge her, we’ll get into that subject on a later date!), in this book I was introduced to the concept that a spell is a very concentrated prayer. Now what do we mean concentrated? Well when one think of praying, the image that comes to my mind is praying the catholic rosary and in this very intimate act it’s just you and your deity. This isn’t any different then when we cast a spell in our practices, we are creating a sacred space so we can commune with our deities and ask for their blessings except we know that some objects such as stones, flowers, herbs with their naturally endowed abilities can aid us in our communication. 

   Prayers/spells can be done to manifest anything that our minds desire from wealth to money to relationships even to have a bountiful garden. We just have to know the right ingredients to go about casting/asking for it from the universe! This is when the idea of correspondences come in. As mentioned above certain objects, colors, plants, rocks etc have natural abilities associated with them and you can use their natural energies to help you fulfill your needs. I will provide a list of correspondences later to help you on your way.

   Now the reason why I choose this certain topic to start my blog is because of certain situations that have recently occurred. A friend/teacher of mine passed and when someone passes to the next dimension I like to light a candle to honor them and to help guide them on their way (we’ll get into this subject later too!). The candle is lit accompanied by words of thanks and blessings and the spell/prayer is set! Nice and easy right?! I usually wait till the it burns it self out so the magick can run it’s full course. 

   I feel like these prayers/spells are a little more gratifying then others. It’s not asking for anything except for the safe travels and blessings on someone you care for. It’s always nice doing things for others and I’ve found that karma has a pretty sharp eye for detecting energies like that so in a sense… it helps everyone? Lol

   Try this out for yourself and tell me what you experience and how you feel about it! If you know of any other spells like this please feel free to share! I would love to hear it on here or on the winthin-the-mirror site!Home/mainPage 

love and compassion to all!Image

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